
Graft visualised, harvest optimised

The first integrated guide system for minimally invasive quadriceps graft harvesting.1 The system works for quad tendon or quad tendon with bone,1 with the ability to harvest partial-thickness or full-thickness grafts.2

  • Visualise: Hands-free, direct tendon visualisation1,2
  • Optimise: Controlled, guided resection to harvest only desired tissue2
  • Harvest: Consistent and reproducible with single-use blades3,4

Consisting of a reusable instrument set and disposable kit with a single-use Q-VIEW
Retractor and custom blades, the QUADTRAC System is part of our Reimagine reconstruction portfolio and an integral instrument in the UltraTRAC Quad ACL Reconstruction Technique.

Product Features


Medical Education

No results.


For detailed product information, including indications for use, contraindications, precautions and warnings, please consult the product’s applicable Instructions for Use (IFU) prior to use.

Products may not be available in all markets because product availability is subject to the regulatory and/or medical practices in individual markets. Please contact your Smith+Nephew representative or distributor if you have questions about the availability of Smith+Nephew products in your area.


1. Smith+Nephew 2022. Internal Report. 15011575 Rev A.
2. Smith+Nephew 2022. Internal Report. 15011572 Rev A.
3. Smith+Nephew 2022. Internal Report. 15011552 Rev A.
4. Smith+Nephew 2022. Internal Report. 15011559 Rev A.

