18 March 2023

Less Waste, More Care: how a single change to packaging is helping us to reduce emissions

Better for logistics, better for storage, better for sustainable practices of the future.

Daily wound care practice involves the routine use of supplies that, in turn, creates substantial amounts of packaging waste.

With a focus on reducing carbon emissions and respectful use of global resources, our Advanced Wound Management business spearheaded a 2022 initiative to optimise packaging across a range of ALLEVYN◊ Foam Dressings.

The new reduced packaging dimensions eliminate some of the‘air’that was previously being shipped, therefore reducing the overall volume of packaging being used. The redesign eliminates the need for 334 tonnes of packaging material for our bordered dressings, equating to 2.7 million square metres.

Ultimately, this could save 92 tonnes of CO2 emissions into the atmosphere (equivalent to 13 car trips around the globe) when compared to 2021.1,2

Retaining the same high standards of manufacturing and sterilisation, as an example, the ALLEVYN LIFE Foam Dressings will now use 28% less packaging material compared to our 2021 design.3

For healthcare practices and clinicians, we hope this translates to efficiencies in the use of storage space and alignment with their own sustainability objectives.

Looking ahead, we’ll continue to expand the ‘Less waste, more care’ initiative across further dressing and product ranges; reinforcing our commitment to deliver medical technology in a sustainable manner that helps to protect our environment.

  1. Smith+Nephew 2022. Internal report CSD. AWM.22.064.
  2. Smith+Nephew 2022. Internal report CSD. AWM.22.072.
  3. Smith+Nephew 2022. Internal report CSD. AWM.22.045.

